Rule of 1.01 1.01 ^ 365 = 37.8
Everyday do a little to grow and atleast try to do.
Here are 5 ways to grow 1% daily.
1. Fail more, Fail fast & Fail big: If we Fail more often, fail faster, fail bigger, we learn more & grow more. I used to avoid failure because I was afraid of it. I never knew it is a prerequisite for success.
2. Thinking to Doing: This is the simplest way to improve more & improve fast. Those who struggle, keep thinking. Those who succeed keep doing. Doing more helps us overcome negativity of thinking. Focusing more on actions than results is the key.
3. Break patterns: We need to identify patterns we are stuck in & break them. Taking feedback from people can help. Having a coach/mentor who has gone through the same helps. To break patterns you can either change the trigger or response. NLP is one tool that helps here. I was stuck in many patterns. I lacked empathy to self.
4. Be mindful: Most of the time I was living either in the past or future. When we dont live in the present, we are not mindful to improve. Past brings fear & future brings worries. Hence we get stuck & cant improve.
5. Be uncomfortable: I was always trying to remain comfortable, growth comes through discomfort. We have to embrace our fears.